Nestor News

Nestor – Neue Single

Seit genau einer Woche ist sie nun verfügbar – die neue Single der Schweden NESTOR.
Nach dem Kickstarter „On The Run“ stehen NESTOR bereits mit ihrer zweiten Single „1989“ in den Startlöchern. Abermals ein Hit, wie schon die Debüt-Single – stecken NESTOR die Erwartungshaltungen enorm hoch.

Wer das Debüt noch nicht für sich entdeckt hat, checkt hier „On The Run“ aus:

Diese beiden Übersongs machen mehr als neugierig für das komplette Album, das noch dieses Jahr erscheinen soll. Alle 80´s Maniacs sollten sich NESTOR dick vormerken. The best is yet to come!

The band NESTOR embraces influences from the 80s with tongues-in-cheek and a lot of heart.
The single „ON THE RUN“ with its accompanying music video is the first glimpse from a full length album that will be released later this spring.
The video is full of easter eggs and references to the 80s and their Swedish small-town youth – and even contains a cameo from a Swedish veteran actor!

About the video in their own words:

The video On The Run sends the band on a quest back to the late ’80s.
The song relives the glory days when we were young, confident and the future was filled with endless possibilities.
In the video you’ll meet a „young“ Nestor rebelling against conventionality and their arch-nemesis, the priest Bror Mörck.
Nestor is on a impossible voyage back through time in a Volvo 240 GLE – the kind of car that always got us to where we needed to be.
Making videos like this one is the only way we know to salvage the relics of rock and roll from being lost to the past.
Enjoy! – Nestor 2021.

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